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Paul Scherrer Institut PSI Particle Theory Seminar

Paul Scherrer Institut
5232 Villigen PSI, Schweiz/Switzerland
Tel. +41 56 310 21 11
Fax. +41 56 310 21 99

E-Mail: giovanni-marco.pruna@psi.ch

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Previous talks in the Particle Theory Seminar – 2012

The seminar took place on Thursdays at 11:30 in WBGB/021 unless stated otherwise.
Date Speaker Title Institute Host Comments
16.02.2012 K. Kampf pi^0: lightest hadron
IPNP - Charles University G. Chachamis Thursday 11:30, WBGB/021
01.03.2012 C. Studerus Reduze 2 - Distributed Feynman Integral Reduction
Bielefeld University G. Chachamis Thursday 11:30, WBGB/021
15.03.2012 G. Cullen Automated One-Loop Calculations with GoSam
DESY - Zeuthen R. Gavin Thursday 11:30, WBGB/021
31.05.2012 F. Goertz Testing Warped Extra Dimensions in Higgs Production at the LHC
ETHZ R. Gavin Thursday 11:30, WBGB/021
11.09.2012 L. Hosekova Corrections to the Production of Two Lepton Pairs via Vector-Boson Fusion at the LHC
ETHZ R. Gavin Tuesday 11:30, WBGA/B16
Given in German
E. Popenda Korrekturen naechst-fuehrender Ordnung in supersymmetrischer QCD zur Squark-Paarproduktion am LHC
Karlsruhe/PSI R. Gavin Monday 14:30, WBGA/B16
06.12.2012 A. Carmona New Production Mechanism for Composite Higgs at the LHC
ETHZ R. Gavin Thursday 11:30, WBGB/021
13.12.2012 S. Plätzer Matching, merging and all that
DESY E. Popenda Thursday 11:30, WBGB/021