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Paul Scherrer Institut PSI PSI Zuoz Summerschool

Paul Scherrer Institut
5232 Villigen PSI, Schweiz/Switzerland
Tel. +41 56 310 21 11
Fax. +41 56 310 21 99

E-Mail: anita.vanloon@psi.ch

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PSI Zuoz Summerschool


Status of the SM and Expectations for the LHC

M.E. Peskin

Techniques and Methods for QCD

F.J. Petriello

Monte Carlo and Event Generators

F. Maltoni

Electroweak Symmetry Breaking

C. Grojean

Physics Lessons from the Tevatron

B. Heinemann

Experimental Signatures and SM/BSM Physics G. Dissertori
Statistical Methods for Experimental Analyses G. Cowan
From Raw Data to Physics Objects G. Rolandi

Cosmology and Astrophysics

L.M. Krauss

Please note that the above titles are "working" titles. Definitive titles will be published as soon as they will be known.