Laboratory for Particle Physics (LTP)

LTP Colloquium

Neutrino Physics at the LHC: the SND@LHC Experiment

Thursday, February 29, 2024, 16:00

Tiziano Camporesi, CERN

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) proton-proton collisions generate a significant flux of high-energy neutrinos in the very forward regions. The SND@LHC experiment, installed ahead of the RUN2 of LHC in 2021, aims to exploit this abundant source of neutrinos. Positioned 480m away from the ATLAS collision point in an alcove of the LHC tunnel, the experiment pursues multiple research goals. It extends the measurement of neutrino cross sections to previously unexplored energy ranges, enabling the comparison of all three types of neutrinos and the examination of flavor symmetries. Furthermore, it aims to enhance understanding of Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) as most of the Neutrinos come from the decay of Charm Mesons produced at parton momentum fraction range of x < 10-6.

Beyond its primary mission, SND@LHC is poised to explore scenarios beyond the Standard Model, particularly involving long-lived neutral particles interacting within the neutrino target. In this seminar I will present the first results from the data taken in 2022-2023 and I will mention the upgrade plans aimed at extending the operation of the experiment during the High Luminosity LHC program, ensuring its continued relevance and impact. I will outline the proposed substitution of Nuclear Emulsions, currently employed as the active element in the neutrino target, with silicon detectors. In particular I will discuss the option of using cutting-edge large-area CMOS Pixel Maps modules.